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 "Passing Literacy On Ward"

An Exciting and challenging Reading Literacy Program developed by the Tennessee FFA Association

PLOW Info and Award Application - click here

PLOW is an organized effort to promote the excitement and improvement of literacy in our agricultural education programs in Tennessee.

  • PLOW encourages FFA members to join with their fellow chapter members and others across the state in developing their reading skills to a level of confidence and competency never achieved by mandatory programs.
  • PLOW established an awards process through which FFA members and chapters are recognized for their accomplishments on an annual basis. Members and chapters are eligible for Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum awards. Every member and chapter is eligible for the awards and recognition each year.
Through PLOW, agicultural education students and FFA members can share in an exciting and rewarding process, while acquiring and passing literacy competencies onward to our current and next generation of students and FFA members. 

Objectives, Purposes, Scope and Goals of PLOW

The objectives of PLOW are establishes to promote reading literacy and comprehension in our agricultural education programs and associated agencies across the state of Tennessee.

The purposes of PLOW coincide with many of the statewide literacy efforts that are currently being organized and implemented through regular education programs.

The scope of PLOW is comprehensive. It includes every agricultural education program and FFA chapter in Tennessee. Every student and member is eligible to participate in the awards and recognition phase of the program. All participants are encourages to maximize their reading potential and assist in helping others to strive for excellence in developing their individual competencies. 

The goals of PLOW are specific and measurable. Achievement is attainable and rewarding. Available options permit a variety of literacy improvement projects through individual and tea, activities for personal and group involvement. 

Like the soil, we must labor to till or cultivate the mind so that knowledge and wisdom can accomplish the great achievements of mankind.  We must labor to insure that the foundation of our minds, the ability to read, is cultivated and passed onward from generation to generation.  Reading is the key to all educational processes.  It is the foundation from which we explore so many new opportunities, hopes, and dreams.   Without labor, we cannot accomplish much.  The gift of literacy is the foundation of life of the mind, the soil from which we cultivate our lives.  Future generations are depending upon us to labor in preserving and promoting the ability to read, learn, and apply our knowledge and wisdom in promoting and preserving mankind.


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